There is no BAD news in the GOOD news.
There is no BAD news in the GOOD news.
At GraceLife, we believe that everyone has a unique purpose and calling in life. We are a community of individuals on different paths in life. All of us are looking for a place where we can belong, find purpose, and feel like we're making a difference in life. We are a community embracing the interconnectedness of all life and living from a place of love, compassion, and radical inclusion, transforming yourself and the world around you. Love everyone, serve everyone, and remember God loves all.
Many are waking up to the fear-based manufactured doctrines of religion and how wrong they are. We are a community creating space for those who, when you are honest with who you are, have the courage, strength, support, confidence, and love to be you in a welcoming space where everyone is welcomed at the table.
Here at GraceLife, we think that faith is less about doctrines and dogmas demanding total agreement and more about a life to be lived, enjoyed, and shared with others.
What unites us is a growing awareness that life is a gift and love is the point. We want to learn how to love better, and share that with the world.
We welcome the entire human family regardless of race, age, creed, physical abilities, marital or economic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. We believe that life is better when we do it together. That's why we offer a variety of small groups and events where you can connect with others and build meaningful relationships. We may be a little different than other churches you might visit, and we hope you feel it when you join us in person, watch a message, or listen to a podcast. We are an inclusive affirming spiritual community seeking to live out a more just and generous life.
We believe that spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. We offer classes, resources, and opportunities to help you grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with God. Many are waking up to the fear-based manufactured doctrines of religion. People have genuinely experienced harsh realities within Christian communities, and they need to be able to talk about it without judgment, condemnation, and fear of sharing their experiences. When people move away from fear-based doctrines and legalism and toward love, acceptance, equality, peace, and grace for all, they are seen as a threat by the institutional church.
GraceLife is a life source for those who have felt abused, judged, condemned, bullied, insulted, shamed, shunned, and indoctrinated by the church to see us versus them mentally. Grace sets no timeline for personal change or standards for spiritual growth; let the spirit within be the great teacher to grow in grace.
We believe that serving others is an important part of living the GraceLife. We offer a variety of service opportunities both locally and globally, where you can make a difference in the lives of others. Someone needs to be encouraged today, and you can be the light that shines in their darkness. Be that person who will make a difference in their lives and share the good news of God’s unconditional love for ALL. Today think before you pick up religious stones of judgment, condemnation, hate, exclusion, and persecution. Allow grace, peace, acceptance, and love to rule your heart.
Today someone doesn't need to hear or see how super spiritual you are. All they need to hear and see is that you care, respect, love, and believe in them for who they are. Living from the heart of grace and peace can cause you to see things in a way you have never seen before. The transforming power of grace and peace, the good news is not that you believe in God, but the revelation that God believes in you. God believes you are righteous, holy, accepted, forgiven, perfect, and qualified by the faith of Christ alone.
We are a community to show all people the unconditional love and grace of Jesus without any reservations because of their lifestyle or religious background, past or future. This love has no agenda behind it. This grace sets no timeline on personal change or standards for spiritual growth. The idea is to be a part of people’s lives because we truly care for them rather than to fulfill a religious duty; to walk with them through all their struggles as a part of their life, not as a religious outsider.
Sometimes when you visit a church, the first thing you read on their welcome material is “What We Believe”—and it's usually a doctrinal statement. That's good, except it may be perceived as “what it takes to get in our door”. Perhaps we use doctrine for exclusionary barriers rather than transformational truth. We think that's backward. GraceLife holds to these principles with open hands and humility:
We seek to grow in our love for God, neighbor, self, earth, and our enemies, and to follow in the way of Jesus and his teachings. His way is that of full inclusion, sacrificial love, non-violent peacemaking, non-anxious presence, non-judgmental disposition, radical generosity, limitless forgiveness, and inexhaustible grace.
We view the Bible to be a library of ancient books written by real people living in real places at real times with real agendas. This collection of inspired poems, letters, and stories speaks to their encounters with God, which leads to our own experiences with God. We seek to honor, interpret, explore, question, wrestle, and apply the Bible in fresh, creative, and healing ways. We have taken the Bible to abuse, bully, shame, and rule over people without regard for the hurt, pain, and mental illness it can cause.
Compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, equality, and love for All humanity continue to challenge the church today. Many find space outside the judgment, condemnation, shaming, bullying, shunning, punishment, and fear-based doctrines of the church.
We believe that small things done with great love will change the world.
>Our Mission: Helping everyone awaken to the reality of Christ within them so they can see that Christ is also alive in everyone else around them.
>Our Vision: We hope to become a community where people explore grace, experience grace, and extend grace to all.
>Our Purpose: Helping people live the GraceLife 365.
>Our Passion: Loving God, Loving People, and love self.
We are here to give you hope and peace. We are here to tell you there is good news for all. We are here to tell you there is rest in Christ. We are here to tell you there is something to rejoice about; you are righteous. We are here to tell you it is all a lie; you are loved. We are here to tell you the truth; you are enough. Open your eyes and see. Open your ears and hear. Open your hearts and accept the good news of the oneness of Christ.
GraceLife 365
>Pause and reflect on the start of your day.
>Listen to your inner self and believe in yourself.
>Think for yourself and be positive in everything you do.
>Meditate for guidance in your daily walk.
>Go and impact your community with grace and peace.
>Reflect to be even greater tomorrow.